We want to thank all of our amazing i Fratelli friends and fans for their entries in the first Post Your Pooch Pic Contest on Facebook. Selecting the finalists from the nearly 50 entries was extremely difficult—almost impossible, in fact. The Cole brothers had their work cut out for them. “I am constantly amazed by the ingenuity and wit of our patrons. How lucky we are,” said George Cole. There were so many creative, whimsical, and heartwarming photographs. We were delighted to accept entries from all over the Metroplex—from Coppell to Uptown. In case you did not see them, we will be posting the seven finalists right here on our blog.
And, be sure to make plans for the Smooch Your Pooch promotion next Dogtober, and watch our Facebook page and Twitter feed for exclusive offers and events!
Congratulations to our winner—Beverly Widner and Peppy of Coppell.
Happy Thanksgiving to you are your family this week! What was your favorite Post Your Pooch Pic Photo?