Our legacy continues…

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Thank you Tiffany Tippett for this *lyrical* review of i Fratelli Pizza Southlake on Google +
Let me tell you a magnificent tale of melted cheese, perfect toppings-to-cheese ratios and slain dragons. Ok. Forget the slain dragons but the rest of this story is 100 percent true. Steven, the manager, is a pizza GOD who uses his powers only for good. Today he raised his mighty bowstaff and bestowed upon myself and my co-workers 3 of the most delicious creations ever known to man. I’m literally not going to do any more work today at the office and no one will dare say anything, because it was I that called i Fratelli therefore it is I that shall, for today, be untouchable. Thank you Steve, I shall spread your legacy for ages to come. TLDR; Also y’all, the pizza is like crazy good.

Smooch Your Pooch Is Back

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Stop in Wednesdays this August with your dog to pick up a FREE large cheese pizza! No dog? Bring your significant other pet. To prove that said dog or significant other pet is truly yours, you may be required to kiss that animal on the lips!
One pizza per customer, one visit per Wednesday. Promotion begins at 5 pm and applies to first 50 patrons.
Sorry, not valid at i Fratelli Ristorante & Wine Bar. Please visit any of our 14 pizza locations to get smoochy.

DoughNation on 7/17 benefits Club Corp Charity Classic

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Mention Hackberry Creek Country Club Charity Classic with your #DoughNation purchase on Monday July 17 and 15% will go to support this year’s nonprofits, including Augie’s Quest and the Mavs Foundation.

Applies at all locations, for lunch and dinner, take-out, delivery or dine-in at i Fratelli Ristorante & Wine Bar.  Be sure to mention Hackberry Creek with order!


Austin Number Two

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We’re excited to announce that our next Austin location will be at 15th and San Antonio, serving downtown and UT.

Garrett DiPasquale, Independent Franchise Owner