The i Fratelli Pizza DoughNation program began in February. Since then we have supported many local groups with funds they can apply directly to their programs. Organizations who have benefitted include:
Irving Bible Church Youth Missions
DFW Humane Society
Grapevine/Colleyville ISD Early Childhood Development Center
Friends of the Bath House Cultural Center
Colleyville Heritage High School Baseball
Dallas Center for Architecture
…and many more!
Do you know of a deserving organization you’d like to nominate for support? Just click on “nominations” on the right of this page.

Support TEAM in Training (TNT) and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) on July 2 with Pizza DoughNation. Just remember to mention LLS when you make your purchase at any i Fratelli location.
Since its inception 23 years ago, TNT has enabled LLS to fund millions of dollars of research to help advance new treatments and cures for leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, and provide critical education and support to cancer patients and their families.
Leah Lankford nominated her TEAM for Pizza DoughNation. Leah will be running the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco this October. For every dollar she raises, 75 cents will go directly to LLS. Visit Leah’s site:
Leah is training in memory of her mother, Pat Ann Fenner.